Has someone ever called your business and had to leave a voicemail? Of course, they have. It happens. You’re on another call, it’s after hours, or maybe you slipped away to use the restroom. Sometimes we just can’t get to the call. No problem, right? Well… maybe… except for the fact that, statistically, 78% of customers buy from the first business that responds to their inquiry.

So what can you do? What if you could automatically respond to every missed call? What if there was a way to give that prospective customer some assurance that you received their call and you do value their interest in your business?
Good news! Recently, AMPED creativ implemented a new call tracking system to mitigate this problem. With this solution, you now can amplify your customer experience by sending an immediate text after a missed call, thus keeping you in the competition for their business.
As they say, “Success is in the details.” Sometimes it’s the small things you do within your strategy and processes that translate into big dividends. We believe that an automated text message autoresponder after missed calls can significantly enhance conversions and overall customer experience.
Here’s how it works:
- Phone call comes in and goes to voice mail.
- Within moments after the missed call, the caller receives a custom text message.
- If the caller chooses to engage further, they can respond to the text they received, giving you the option to then further communicate via text or call them back.

So what does it cost?
We’re excited to be able to offer this incredible tool for just $30/month. At AMPED creativ, we have always strived to provide cutting edge solutions at competitive pricing that most small businesses can afford.
So the big question is – as we enter into this new year of hope and possibilities – Could this powerful, low-cost add-on service be a game changer to your current marketing strategy, helping you convert more business in 2025?
We believe it’s worth a try. Want to get started?

More great reasons to consider…
- Increased Lead Engagement:
78% of customers buy from the first business that responds to their inquiry. A missed call followed by an immediate text keeps you in the competition for their business. - Higher Response Rates:
Text messages boast a 98% open rate, with 90% being read within 3 minutes. This ensures your message reaches the customer quickly and effectively. - Improved Conversion Rates:
Customers are 40% more likely to convert when they receive immediate follow-ups. Text autoresponders bridge the gap caused by missed calls.
- Faster Resolutions:
89% of customers prefer texting as a communication method for quick updates or questions, over phone or email. Autoresponders cater to this preference. - Perception of Availability:
Customers feel valued when their inquiries are acknowledged promptly, even if the call was missed. It reinforces trust and reliability. - Reduced Frustration:
67% of consumers cite bad customer experiences as a reason to leave a business. Prompt texts that offer to reschedule or provide next steps can prevent this.
But that’s not all folks, there’s more…
We believe that this tool, which costs just $1/day, will not only help you improve your customer engagement and conversion rates, but also provide you with improved ways to track and evaluate all of your call activity. That’s because our call tracking system also includes other great value-add features, such as:
- phone call recordings
- call analytics and real-time reporting
- specialized call routing
- instant notifications of all call and text activity straight to your phone, email, or desktop
- whisper messages that informs the person answering the phone (prior to connecting the call) which marketing campaign prompted the incoming phone call
Installing a call tracking system, along with the text message auto-responder, is a quick and easy process. With our call tracking system, your first tracking number can be up and running in a matter of moments, and it can then be instantly routed to your main business line.
You can choose a tracking number with your area code (including toll-free numbers!) and you can purchase as many as you need to monitor all of your marketing campaigns.
Contact us today to get started!